Connie Palmen’s Seven Characters

Stories and music that provoke thought

tot en met

Writer Connie Palmen and Amsterdam Sinfonietta invite reflection upon the number 7 and the process of metamorphosis in an interweaving of narratives and chamber music.

The number 7 is a recurring phenomenon in Connie Palmen’s work. Palmen lays bare contradictions taken from her entire oeuvre and shares her musings with the audience. Connie Palmen: ‘I weave my text around seven characters and the theme of metamorphosis. The friend turns into a betrayer, the angel into a devil, the woman becomes a poet, the fan ends up a murderer, love is transformed into hate, admiration into humiliation.’ Amsterdam Sinfonietta illustrates Palmen’s words with Richard Strauss’s compelling Metamorphosen in a septet version and a selection from Bach’s 15 Three-Part Inventions.


  • Bach Three-Part Inventions
  • Strauss Metamorphosen (version for string septet)


  • Amsterdam Sinfonietta
  • Candida Thompson violin
  • Chiara Sannicandro violin
  • Georgy Kovalev viola
  • Sofie van der Schalie viola
  • Tim Posner cello
  • Örs Köszeghy cello
  • Ying Lai Green double bass

Concert date

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